I’m a mom, green energy lawyer, and life-long public servant. Through law school, the Peace Corps, and my time on City Council, it became obvious to me that implementing legislative solutions and supporting change are not only good for our communities, but a necessary part of growing our economy and livelihoods. As the partner to my truly incredible wife and as a mom of two, I've lived through the flaws in our healthcare and economy. I understand as a woman that my rights need to be fought for within my State government; and that there are thousands of Granite State women and queer people who need the same.
New Hampshire is my home. I grew up at my family’s Dairy Queen, running our small business. By 15, I was managing employees and working 30+ hours each week while my peers at Phillips Exeter Academy explored sports or the arts. My love for the community started here. My education and experience have taught me about what New Hampshire's needs next: a restoration of our Main Street communities, through sound housing and energy policies, attracting and retaining our next generation of workers and keeping our economy healthy for all. We shouldn't have to fight for civil and human rights for all, cleaner air and drinking water, and a quality of life no matter the color of your skin, your gender, or who you love - but we will, and through it bring the State a lasting, healthy prosperity."