
In Concord, I’m a champion for affordable housing, workforce development, a thriving economy and reproductive rights. I work with anyone to make tangible progress for Granite Staters and am proud that over two-thirds of my legislation has passed out of the Senate on a bipartisan basis.

Below are a few of my ongoing legislative priorities as we look ahead to the 2024 session. If you have any questions or would like to talk about issues not listed here, please feel free to reach out to me directly at [email protected].

Housing Affordability

  • Our lack of affordable and workforce housing is an undeniable issue that impacts the lives of Granite Staters and the choices they are able to make about their futures − whether they can afford to start a family, where they can live, and what opportunities they can take on.
  • I have been fighting for increased housing stock in our state for a decade, working with local authorities and sitting on a statewide task force to incentivize municipalities to build more housing.
  • In working with my colleagues across the aisle, we invested $50 million into a series of effective and unique initiatives, including the brand new Housing Champions program and highly leveraged and super-efficient New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority “QAP” Program.
  • I sponsored a comprehensive bill I called HOMEnibus earlier this year that will incentivize new downtown redevelopment, allow zoning changes by select boards, and allow alternative parking solutions, all to expand our allotment of affordable housing.

Protecting the Right to Choose

  • I am a pro-choice champion laser-focused on protecting the right to choose in New Hampshire. A woman’s right to make their own healthcare decisions must be protected. Each woman absolutely makes the decision that is right for her, which I understand even more deeply, having been pregnant three times. I was 24 weeks pregnant with my second daughter when the Republican Senate passed the 24-week abortion ban, the first in modern NH history.
  • I will build on my work to secure personal freedoms for women, by reintroducing my bill that would codify Roe v. Wade at the state level, and have also co-sponsored a resolution in support of access to mifepristone and medication abortion.

Working Families and Small Businesses

  • Growing up, I watched my single mom manage our small business with tight margins. I understand the unique challenges of surviving year-round on summer-season revenue.
  • To build a modern economy, we need to recognize that our workers are looking for amenities around family building - and our small businesses are looking for those workers! And as a parent, I know how important those early moments with your new child are –– all parents should be able to have that time for their families.

Voting Rights

  • Voting is the cornerstone of our democracy. Every eligible American should be able to cast a ballot without undue difficulty. This should not be partisan; it should not be contested and it should be simple.
  • We must ensure that absentee voting becomes a standard option rather than an exception. Voting should not be troublesome for those working all day to support their families.
  • Voter suppression must be combatted at all turns. I support the use of affidavits for those who forgot something on the way to the polls, as I believe people take paths seriously - and there are legal consequences for voter fraud. Waiting hours in line to vote is voter suppression too, which is why I passed poll books legislation to cut down lines - and long hours for our voting officials!


  • I believe our public education system is the foundation of our democracy. We must protect it and ensure that public dollars are not syphoned off to private and religious schools.
  • Let’s support improvement of our public schools so they serve every student - across the state.


  • I believe in dignity and security for all people. Granite Staters should be free from discrimination in all areas of our society, including employment, housing, education, health care, the justice system, and public accommodations.
  • LGBTQ+ people must be legally protected against discrimination in schools, workforce, healthcare, and housing.
  • People with disabilities must be legally protected against discrimination, but more than that, we must rethink the way our society functions to make it more humane and accessible for all.
  • Immigrants are also an integral part of our community. I support open and humane immigration policies that recognize that America remains a beacon around the world, a place where you can work hard and make things better for your family, something my time in the Peace Corps only reinforced.

Public Safety and Criminal Justice

  • The future of public safety is always on my mind as I think about the world my three daughters are growing up in. Their safety is so important to me, and I will do all I can in the Senate to ensure New Hampshire is a secure place to live.
  • I support common-sense gun reforms such as universal background checks and red flag laws that remove weapons from domestic abusers. I believe we can protect second amendment rights for law-abiding citizens while simultaneously increasing public safety amid a national crisis of mass shootings.
  • We must invest in a social safety and support net that addresses the roots of our problems, not the symptoms. To do so, we must focus on community-oriented solutions rather than policing.

Climate Policy and Green Jobs

  • We need bold, purposeful policy change to fix the climate crisis - and it is a crisis.
  • Our economy and our climate are not two opposing or distinct sectors but rather interconnected, something I understand deeply as an attorney at a solar company.
  • Renewable energy is essential to our future. Let’s learn from the experience of other states and support a truly modern grid, bringing thousands of high paying jobs to our state.
  • Our green energy future is within reach - where there is a political will, there is a way to achieve this. We do not need to be the only state in New England losing jobs from our solar workforce, which will also be a win for our small businesses by creating predictability of pricing.


  • New Hampshire is the only state in New England that has not legalized cannabis, its time for the Granite State to join its neighbors.
  • I support the legalization of cannabis in New Hampshire and will work to ensure we set up the model most beneficial to New Hampshire and encourages entrepreneurship in the field.
  • The revenue brought in, which we are currently losing to our neighbors, could be used for the benefit of all Granite Staters.



Join the team

I need your help to raise the voices of all Granite Staters. From making phone calls, knocking on doors, sending texts and putting up yard signs, your support is sincerely appreciated. Are you with me?